Precision Downtime
Get More Chicken
from Less Farm
Maximize Live Production Efficiency with Data-Driven Decisions
Precision Downtime transforms poultry operations by reducing downtime, improving bird performance, and boosting profitability.
Say goodbye to the one-size-fits-all approach that’s killing your margins...
Say hello to precision.
The Value of Precision
Reduced Downtime
1 Less Day of Downtime per flock, more weight sent to the plant
Improved Feed Efficiency
Improved feed conversion ratio (FCR) by 2 points.
Reduced Mortality
Reduced Mortality by 2.5-3%
When Precision Downtime adds $4M to the bottom line, you can’t afford legacy practices.
Not all Farms are Equal.
Why Treat them the Same?
Our data shows that companies can reduce 1 day of unnecessary downtime per flock. When your complex processes 1000 flocks per year, default downtimes overlook years of production days.
The old approach of uniform downtime cycles and treatment plans leads to unnecessary costs. Without actionable data, it’s impossible to know which farms are ready for the next grow-out or need additional interventions. That’s where Precision Downtime comes in.

production days lost to unnecessary downtime
farms worth of production with existing houses
How Precision Downtime Works
Better Data Leads to Better Margins
Our software monitors every farm and recommends the optimal downtime schedule and treatment plan to maximize efficiency, animal health, and profitability.

Actionable Insights
Operational Streamlining